Lesson 2
In this lesson you will use the 8 step process for creating social awareness campaigns to answer questions about a featured social awareness topic.
In addition, you will participate in a Photoshop skill sessions designed to improve your command of visual language.
We are learning about visual language because it makes us more efficient communicators.
Success Criteria:
By the end of this lesson, you will have a consolidated understanding of the process for developing social awareness campaigns.
You will also have greater confidence with using Adobe Photoshop.
Your responses to questions about a focus image will be complete and uploaded to OneDrive with the link shared with your teacher.
“The assumption that seeing is believing makes us susceptible to visual deception. What is known is not necessarily what is believed, what is shown is not necessarily what is seen, and what is said is not necessarily what is heard”.Kathleen Hall Jamieson

When you see this icon with the question mark a response from you is required. These responses need to be uploaded to OneDrive and shared with me.
10 000 Bottles


There are no right or wrong answers to these questions – just your opinion. Respond in dot form or full sentences.
Save your answers and upload them to your OneDrive.
- What was your first reaction to the images of the mermaids?
- Describe what you think is going on in the image’s. Be specific.
- What is the message that the artist is conveying? Is this clear? Could it be improved?
- How do you think these image’s were made?
- What emotions do you think the images are trying to create?
- What do you like/dislike about this collection of artwork?
- Explain what this collection says about the world we live in.
- How does the text contribute to the meaning of the artwork? If we took the text out, does it change the meaning?
- Do you think these artworks successfully create awareness about plastic bottle waste? Why do you think this?
“The Parting of the Plastic Sea”


VonWong is a social activist who uses photography as his media.
Using the 8 Steps for Creating a Social Awareness Campaign that we looked at last lesson, answer these questions and upload your responses to OneDrive. Don’t forget to SHARE them with me.
1. What do you think VonWong’s overall purpose was for creating his 10 000 Bottles and Strawpocalypse campaigns?
1b. Imagine you are VonWong, finish this statement: After viewing my images people will ….
2. Use the internet to find other images that tackle the issue of plastic waste. Which organisations or artist produced these images and where are they based?
3. Who do you think VonWong is trying to target with this artwork? Be specific.
4. Imagine you are VonWong, write a one sentence statement about what you want people to remember about your artwork. Now condense that down to one word.
5. How did using a live installation for The Parting of the Plastic Sea at a shopping mall help VonWong reach his audience? (People were able to walk through it and take photos of themselves and use the #Strawpocalypse) How is this different to his Mermaid project in terms of reaching his target audience?
6. VonWong is an amazing photographer, but what other skill sets did he need to make each of his campaigns ‘come to life’.
7. Give some examples of how he managed the project by breaking it down into smaller actions/activities.
8. How might VonWong measure the success of these campaigns?
The Eight Steps for Creating a Social Awareness Campaign.
Lesson 1 RECAP
Planning a Social Awareness Campaign
Step one:
Establish Overall Purpose, Objectives, and Outcomes.
What do we want people to do or demonstrate as a result of our campaign?
Step two:
Collect Initial Information.
Do research to find similar approaches to promoting this product, service, or event that have been successful.
Step three:
Identify the Target Audience.
Who do you want to reach with this campaign?
Step four:
Decide on Your Key Message.
What do you want people to remember?
Step five:
Select the Actions/Activities.
Once you have a list of ideas, consider which fit best with the audience(s) you’ve chosen.
Step six:
Select the Communication Tools.
Do you have the expertise (Photoshop skills) so that the product looks reasonably professional?
Step seven:
Develop a Plan.
Break the project down into small easily doable tasks and list everything that will be required.
Step eight:
As soon as possible after releasing the campaign, collect information in the form of a survey from the people you have targeted.
In this tutorial we will be using a glass jar to create a work of art about pollution. The video will show you how – but the what needs to come from your imagination!

By clicking on the blue icon below you can open some Jar images that you can download to your computer for use in this task.

Here is another Ocean Plastic related Photoshop Tutorial for you to complete. Sorry if the audio is a little quiet. Like most teachers across the state I have been work long and sometimes weird hours, to get materials ready for you. My family were all abed when I was making this one so I had to keep the noise down! I am sure you understand!
Click on the blue download icon to open the resources in your browser. Then right click on them and save them to your computer in the folder that you are keeping all of your work in.